The delightfully whimsical creations of Entangled Puppetry engage community in exciting new and traditional ways. In an art form where the boundaries are as limitless as our imaginations, there are no right or wrong answers, only wildly creative alternatives. Come play!


Fabrication: Seven Generations

With the pressing deadline of La Cenerentola lying ahead, full documentation of the Irish shows will have to wait.  But as our Burlesque dancing Tangle will gladly tell you, a tease is twice the fun.

The Irish show featured two tales: Seven Generations, and The Selkie Show.  An introduction to one of the two shows is in order, so I'll take a moment for the Seven Generations.  

An essential part of our show design is community participation.  We aim to engage puppetry as a tool for creating a stronger sense of community.  Workshopping to build puppets, sets, props, and to critique the shows produces both a higher calibre show, and a show with which our audience is more connected.  What that translates to is fireside evenings of good company, fine wine, diablos, and lots of puppets.

Here are some bits of building for Seven Generations:

1.  Fire drying (and scorching) our sheepdog, Molly.

2. Molly and the sheep.

3. Fairy Queen and her nymphs.

4. The good brother and the meanhearted brother.

5. Some of the seven generations, and the magic bag pipes.

6. Sheep / dog motion study.

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