The delightfully whimsical creations of Entangled Puppetry engage community in exciting new and traditional ways. In an art form where the boundaries are as limitless as our imaginations, there are no right or wrong answers, only wildly creative alternatives. Come play!


La Cenerentola: Overture

La Cenerentola.

Tangle Caron and Mark Zupan. Adaptation. Puppet/Set Construction. Acoustic Music. Puppeteering.

Puppetry Sweatshop Team.

Tonda Heidtke. face painting. set painting. wardrobe
Lynette Theunisz. hair. wardrobe
Ayla River. erotic literature
Chris Gable. dress rehearsal audience member-at-large
Leela. tiny dog

Special Thanks.

Candice Caron. loving support.
Gioacchino Rossini. dude writes a mean opera.


The King is on his deathbed...

And in the fine house of the Baron, Don Magnifico, there live three young women, his daughters: Clorinda, Tisbe and Angelina, the maid.  Angelina is called Cenerentola, the girl of the cinders, for she sweeps ashes from the fire.

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