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Short TALL Tales at the SSI library

at the Salt Spring Library
March 2 and March 16

The Cosmic Dragon welcomes everyone to the Library

The Cosmic Dragon lives in the Library. It is his job to read all the books and make sure the words are all there and all the parts are in the right order. But sometimes he reads so many stories the parts get all mix-mashed. He wants to share his three favorite stories...

The Princess and the Pineapple
The Prince is looking for a Bride. But not just any girl will do...
An intriguing guest devours a bowl of spaghetti
An unconventional happily ever after

The Three Gruff Billies
The Three Gruff Billies are looking to get to Grass-is-Greener-Gables

The Troll and Big Billy battle in an epic thumb war  

Jack and Jill and the Beanstock
Jack is ready for adventure
At the top of the Beanstock, Jack and Jill meet Crazy Larry, who gives them three magical items
Jack learns you make more friends with rock soup then with rented swords and wins himself a new friend and a shiny crown

To our delight and astonishment the two performances attracted more then 140 people who squeezed into the Library's Program room to see Short Tall Tales

Thanks to the Salt Spring Public Library and everyone who came to the shows! 

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